Kpop Idols Who Have Monolids. Number 1 fashion inspo I feel like I can relate to him more cause hes got monolids unlike the edvasian Follow. Seungwus face was made for magazines and the big screen.

Here are 10 idols with monolids that are just as attractive and captivating as those with double eyelids. She is also the only member in HINAPIA with monolidded eyes. Though she has monolids her eyes are big and exude an innocent aura that fans love.
Dahyuns monolids are arguably some of the most iconic among all idols because they match her tofu nickname so well.
To top it off she has an infectious smile. Red Velvets Seulgi SHINees Onew EXOs Xiumin. With her small face big eyes and fair skin she is as adorable and ethereal as a dove. In his blog the plastic surgeon selected three idols with the most beautiful double-eyelids.